Good Friday

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I smile as you walk through the door, getting up from my desk to greet you. You stop just inside the door leaving it slightly ajar. Your eyes are intense, as they slowly rake over me; first meeting my eyes before slowly traveling down my body. I feel my body immediately respond from across the room. My pulse quickens, I feel a slight flush of my skin as my temperature rises, I hold my breath waiting for your silent inspection to be complete. I stand still watching you as your eyes travel again back up to meet mine. I’m always amazed at how I can see those brilliant green eyes darken with lust. I release the breath that I’ve been holding for what seems like forever as you silently cross the room.

I look up at you with a soft smile on my face as your fingers trace over the collar of my blouse, lightly grazing my skin. I shiver with anticipation an instant longing to have your hands consume my flesh. You smile back at me, and in a very low whisper comment about the white blouse that you’ve seen in my picture and that you’re very happy to see me in it. I take a small step back and look down at my black skirt, asking you if you remember this as well. I extend my leg to the side revealing the slit in the skirt that continues to mid thigh. You answer me with a groan and pull my face to yours with a hard passionate kiss. Your tongue fierce, demanding, possessing as you claim my mouth. I grip your arms for support as you pull me close to you. Your arousal is evident grinding against my pelvis, only igniting the fire in me that’s been smoldering all day waiting for you. Your hands slide down to my ass gripping my cheeks lifting and pulling me harder against you.

Moaning against your lips, my hands roam over your arms to your chest, fixbet feeling your heart beating hard through your shirt. Pulling back, still holding my ass firmly in your hands, you blatantly inform me that we won’t be leaving right away and walk to the door shutting it and closing the curtains to the outside world.

In three long strides you are back in my arms again, kissing me harder, with even more passion than you had before leaving me breathless once again. Before I even have a chance to catch my breath, you break away from the kiss turn me around and bend me over the edge of the bed. Your hand runs from the back of my neck, down my back to settle at the small of my back, just above my ass, holding me there.

I hear your buckle and zipper release, my hips writhe, swaying slowly, inviting you without words to take what is yours. I feel my pussy throb knowing that soon it will be filled with your cock. I am more than ready for you, without a single touch or tease, I am slick, juices straining to be released. You pull my skirt up to my hips revealing my stockings and bare bottom. Your fingers caress my ass cheeks, grabbing each of them tightly, spreading them exposing me completely to you. I close my eyes, leaning down on my elbows, rocking my hips in your grip, moaning, breathlessly telling you to fill me with your cock.

I feel you move your cock along my slit, coating the head with my already abundant juice. Spreading my lips, positioning your self right at my hole, holding the head right at the entrance. Instinctively I try to push back against you, but you hold my hips firm, not letting me push back. God I wish I could see your face, show you mine. Letting you see the desire in my eyes, the want, fixbet giriş the need I have for you. For now though, the evidence of my desire is clear to you as you tell me how wet my pussy is and how hard you are. You still hold fast at my entrance, teasing me more. With a deep growl you push forward, in one thrust filling my aching pussy with your hard throbbing cock, pulling my hips back against you.

My head flies up and back, I lift up onto my hands as the power of your immediate thrust pushes me forward. Your hands grip and hold my hips hard, pushing yourself further into my womb, grinding against me. I feel your balls rubbing against my pussy lips and I strain to push onto you even more, although there is no more of you to take in. You’ve filled me with your cock, any more and there would be real pain. Slowly you begin to pull back only to thrust forward again and again. Each time you withdraw just a little more very slowly then slam back into my pussy.

I reach down underneath me and start rubbing my clit, reaching further my fingertips graze your balls each time they swing forward. I hear you groan as I clench my pussy around your cock, and it brings a smile to my face. However, it also increases your pace.

My smile evaporates into a moan as you grip my hips tight, pulling me hard back onto your cock…feeling like I’ll be split in two. Pounding my flesh hard, winding your fingers in my hair…pulling my head back… groaning as you sink your cock deep, grinding yourself into me… pulling back almost completely out. I hear you growl deep as I wiggle my hips, straining to pull you back in. Suddenly my ass is on fire as you land a swift slap on my cheek. The sting quickly spreads throughout my body…electrifying my skin…every nerve on edge. Another quickly follows, catapulting me over the edge. My pussy convulses around your cock…squeezing tight. Higher and higher you send me never relenting in your thrusts. One orgasm into another…my legs shaking.

Your hand grips my hip tight as you send me into yet another orgasm, this one more powerful than the others. I cry out in unadulterated pleasure as the next wave overtakes me. My body is wracked with spasms, your fingers, still wound in my hair, pulling tight. I can hear your moans quickly turning to a growl as your hand digs into my hip, pulling me harder against you. Holding me tight against you, I feel your cock spasm inside me. With the last remaining amount of energy, I squeeze against your cock, milking your cum from you. Thrust after pounding thrust, drilling your seed deep into me, filling me.

Grinding your hips into mine.. you empty yourself completely into me, both of us falling forward on the bed, you still nestled deep within, our breathing heavy and labored. You wrap your arms around my trembling body as the aftershocks slowly subside. Your body’s warmth seeping into me, soothing me.

After more than a few moments, I feel you pull away from me, as you do your cock slides from my pussy, my body spasms each time you begin to pull away, until finally you pull free. I feel our mingled juices slide down my slit as you pull away, your hands caressing my ass as you stand. I roll over onto my back, and you take my hand helping me to my feet, steadying me on trembling legs, holding me close. Once settled, I go into the bathroom and refresh my makeup and hair. Emerging again, looking presentable, but definitely having just been fucked.

Smiling at you, I reach for my purse as we gather my bags and leave this hotel room for good.

You smile back at me warmly, and in a low whisper remind me that the night is still young.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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