Vixxen Ch. 06: Love at Last?

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The following story is fictional, and involves rough sex and lesbian sex. It also has interracial content some might object to. This story takes a little bit to get to the sex, but this is about a girl and her life, AND her sexual adventures. So I hope you enjoy it, if not skip ahead a bit 🙂

If you do not enjoy erotic stories involving sexual material I suggest you move on.

When something good finally happened-

This story takes place after Vixxen Ch. 05: Moving on with Life. Vixxen continued to work on stage as an exotic dancer, and after the events of the last story struggled with the temptation and money involved in escorting.

Vixxen was spending five days a week in the gym, lifting weights, and attending yoga and cross fit classes. She began looking for part time work outside of the strip club in effort to find something different to do for a living.

This story takes place a few months after the events of the last story.

This is where the story continues-


Vixxen was working four nights and no afternoons at the club now, spending more time in the gym and at dance then before.

Most dancers were required to work one afternoon, however that shift was not a big money maker, and Vixxen had enough of a local following to be able to decline to work during the day. She would pick up a fifth night or day every now and again when asked, but it wasn’t common.

Vixxen began looking for another way to pay the bills. She did not prostitute herself or use drugs, but it was very common among strippers, and she did not want to fall into that in the future.

She felt the temptation of the money she could make if she were willing to have sex for money. She enjoyed sex, and never really got tired of it, and she was single, without any attachments to worry about being unfaithful to. But she could never get over the label whore, and that it would absolutely apply if she went down that road.

She didn’t have the education to be a fitness instructor or the skill and knowledge to be a dance instructor. Leaving yoga, but the world only needs so many yoga instructors. Vixxen filled in as a yoga and dance instructor, however full time work as either just wasn’t going to happen.

Vixxen obtained her GED, and then considered any other sort of work that would pay the bills, but when she looked at what she qualified for, the money just wasn’t close to enough.

How could she leave a job that paid as much as hers did in a few nights, and go to one that might pay a third of what she made now, but that required 40 hours of work?

Vixxen heard a lot of offers when she danced for men and women. Most were creepy, and all were surely too good to be true. Almost all were a bit insulting, the “save the poor stripper from the stripper life” sort of thing.

She wanted to do something else, but she made more money than many of her customers, what did they plan on saving her from?

She would get offers to model, but none of the business cards she got lined up with anything professional on the internet. She heard a suggestion to be a fitness model, but she did some research and there was not much money in it, and that there wasn’t much work and a lot of models.

She had an offer to be an actress, and was told it was based on how she looked more than acting ability, that she could take classes and learn on the job. The acting gig was sold as being soft core pornography, which she had seen plenty of and she thought she would be fine with. However when she went to the “casting office” it was just a motel room, and not an expensive one at that.

The casting agent presented a naked man and told her there were not really jobs for black women in soft core. She was asked to get the guy hard and fuck him in front of them, that this would be her first gig and pay $300. They started to get into how the rate was lower if she wanted him to wear a condom, and higher if he could fuck her ass or cum in her mouth.

Yeah fuck that.

She told them to fuck off and left, she wasn’t going anywhere near pornography.

When she looked into traditional modeling she was told her boobs and ass were too big, and that she was too fat. When she looked at lingerie and swimsuit modeling she was told she was too muscular, that she was too fat.

So she had a body for pornography it seemed, so acting was off of the table. Somehow a muscular woman with visible abs was too fat for modeling, so that was off the table as well.

She was told she could go to LA and get into fitness modelling there and work as a background dancer in videos until she found something better. However a little bit of research showed what that entails, which appeared to be whoring herself out to rappers and then shaking her ass in the background. And no money to speak of.

At some point things had to get easier didn’t they?

Vixxen was constantly learning more about nutrition and exercise, in trying to keep üvey kız kardeş porno improving her body. She ended up limiting cardio to only yoga and dance, while maintaining the weight lifting and kept adjusting her diet as she fine tuned her physique.

She no longer had sharply defined abs, she still had visible abs, just not the shredded abs that men did not seem to enjoy as much in exotic dancing. Her features were softer and it had the pleasant impact of slightly rounding her ass a little, and of adding a small amount of size to her breasts, and a little more natural looking jiggle to them.

Vixxen and a couple of friends from dance class took a vacation to Las Vegas, and having never been Vixxen was excited to see the place. She wanted to let it all go for a week, so she took $8,000 in cash for the trip.

They stayed at a hotel called the Encore that opened the year before, and let her cares and worries go for the week.

Vixxen didn’t gamble very often. So she didn’t win often and did not like leaving her hard earned money with someone else. She did enjoy the casino environment, the workout facilities were good, and the food options could actually be pretty healthy.

One night she talked her friends into visiting a high end strip club, she dressed up in one of the tight fitting dresses she might wear to a club back home, and they arranged for a free limo ride to the club.

It was something completely different from what Vixxen had seen. The main floor was massive, and there were more dancers and customers than she had ever seen. And good lord were the dancers beautiful.

It was a new experience for Vixxen’s friends, but not for her, she was home. She met a few dancers, bought a few drinks for them and enjoyed the company of first rate beautiful dancers.

Vixxen ended up paying for a one hour VIP session with one of the dancers who she felt a good connection with, an amazing woman named Sapphire, to see how the other side lived so to speak.

Sapphire was beautiful. She wasn’t as tall as Vixxen but she was very well built and was very sexy. Sapphire was about 5’5″, with dirty blonde shoulder length hair, a muscular body, and very nice boobs. They were about the same size as Vixxen’s which made them a bit large for Sapphire’s frame, and they were not of the same quality, so they were easy to see as fake. But they were very nice to look at.

She walked Vixxen into the private room, and it was nice. It had a curtain that closed, and had a bed and a comfortable looking sofa, and was pretty well appointed.

Sapphire treated Vixxen well, but then girl girl dances always went a bit further than dances with guys. Sapphire was beautiful, she smelled wonderful, and her touch had an impact on Vixxen.

As Sapphire touched Vixxen with her hands and body, Vixxen started to get hot, she could feel her pussy start to respond. She started to touch Sapphire in a more personal way during the dance.

Sapphire could smell Vixxen get horny, and it was an intoxicating aroma. As she danced for Vixxen she started to undress both herself and Vixxen. Not too long into their time together both women were only wearing thongs, and she was looking Vixxen in the eyes, their mouths millimeters apart it seemed, while rubbing their breasts on one another.

There wasn’t any sex, but Sapphire did end up sucking on Vixxen’s boobs, and they were face to face at the end, scissoring each other hard. Both of their thongs wet, each of them very horny.

Vixxen wasn’t a lesbian, she didn’t really even think of herself as bisexual, but this dancer was smoking hot. They kissed, they fondled each other, and they sucked each other’s boobs.

Sapphire wanted to do more, Vixxen wanted her to do more, but it stopped short of what they both desired. Vixxen wasn’t a lesbian, and Sapphire did not want to get fired if the wrong bouncer walked in on them.

They drank champagne and talked, and went at it again. And when they were done Vixxen was considering another hour when Sapphire gave Vixxen her number, she told her if Vixxen was going to remain in town she would love to hang out away from the club.

Vixxen slept in, but texted Sapphire just after a late breakfast, and broke away from her friends to meet her. Sapphire met her in the casino attached to the hotel Vixxen was in, and then took her on a tour of the strip. Sapphire drove a very nice sports car, and the tour ended at Sapphire’s house, in her bedroom.

Sapphire’s bed was amazing, the biggest Vixxen had ever seen, with incredibly soft white bedding, and actual fucking mirrors on the ceiling. “Who in the hell has mirrors on the ceiling?” Vixxen thought to herself.

“What do you think of Vegas Vixxen?” Sapphire asked, “I think that you enjoyed last night, but has everyone else treated you well?”

“I left a few hundred dollars at the casino in my hotel, but it has been a good trip.” Vixxen responded with a smile. “This is a really xnxx porno nice house Sapphire, I haven’t felt sheets this soft in a long time.” Vixxen laid back on the bed and Sapphire laid back next to her.

Vixxen admired the beauty of her new friend.

Every part of Sapphire was stunning. Her body was similar to Vixxen’s in many ways. Her boob job was obvious, but they were nice, and her ass was very shapely if not as well developed. Sapphire also looked like she spent time tanning, she had a nice tanned complexion, and dirty blonde hair.

“Thanks, Egyptian cotton baby, the good stuff.” Sapphire responded. She leaned in and kissed Vixxen on the lips softly, and Vixxen responded. The gently kissed, and then slowly began kissing each other with more passion.

Sapphire and Vixxen kissed and fondled each other while undressing, and ended up making out completely naked. Sapphire kissed and licked her way down Vixxen’s body, she spent minutes licking and sucking on each large ebony breast.

Sapphire hungrily sucked on Vixxen’s breasts, gently biting her nipples, exploring every part of them with her mouth. Vixxen could not remember anyone spending this much time on her breasts.

Sapphire kissed her way down to Vixxen’s pussy and started to eat her out, but in a very slow and sensual manner. Sapphire was better at eating pussy than anyone Vixxen had ever met without any doubt.

The gentle touch of her tongue was erotic, the visual of this blonde beauty down there working on her pussy was even more so. Vixxen almost came just looking at Sapphire’s blonde hair laying across her ebony skin.

Vixen spent the afternoon having sex with her beautiful new friend. She had fooled around with other strippers at parties and in threesomes, but Sapphire was in a different league. Vegas looked like the major leagues for strippers and Sapphire was an all star among them.

When resting after sex, Sapphire asked Vixxen what she did for a living, and when Vixxen told her she was an exotic dancer as well Sapphire yelled, “I knew it. I knew you had to be a dancer with that fucking body.”

Sapphire suggested Vixxen move out to Vegas and work with her, suggesting she could get Vixxen a tryout if she was interested. “What kind of money do you make? Do the customers expect sex?” Vixxen asked.

“We have a lot of contact Vixxen, a lot of it. Customers can go a long way, but the dicks stay out of sight unless you want it. Which sometimes we all want some dick.” Sapphire answered. “Look, the managers aren’t going to force you to fuck them, and the bouncers will kick a guys ass and throw him into the street if you ask them to.”

“The money varies, I am sure it does there. I have had nights where I make only $500, and one night where I made $7,000. It depends on the crowd, and how good you are at selling your services” Sapphire smiled as she saw Vixxen’s face when she mentioned the money.

“Only $500?” Vixxen said, her statement dripping with sarcasm.

“It really can be lot of money.” Sapphire responded, “And yes there are a lot of escorts and hookers here, but in this club you will out earn all of them, and you won’t have to have any sex to do it.”

“When can I possibly tryout Sapphire?” Vixxen asked, “I only have one more day here.”

“It is in a few hours Vixxen, I already scheduled it.” Sapphire said with a grin, “Our manager asked about you after our VIP time, and suggested it when I told him I liked you and you had my number.” Sapphire smiled at her new friend.

“You might have noticed, but our club only takes the best, and your body is perfect honey. And management doesn’t hire many black women, we don’t actually have any right now.” Sapphire continued, “But we need you, and you need us. If you are going to work a pole, make the most money you can in the best location you can as fast as you can.”

Vixxen smothered Sapphire in a big hug, and then in a big kiss, and jut like that they were back at it. At one point they were in the 69 position eating each other out, with Vixxen on bottom, and she looked up and saw their reflection. The image of their bodies writhing in pleasure was amazing, she came again looking at the two of them, and Sapphire hungrily ate her pussy as she came.

After Vixxen came, Sapphire got up and tuned around, and lowered herself gently onto Vixxen’s face. Sapphire looked down into her beautiful eyes and Vixxen worked her tongue on Sapphire’s pussy.

When Sapphire came, Vixxen kept her mouth tightly attached to her friend’s pussy, hungrily licking and sucking all of Sapphire’s juices that she could get. She was surprised at how eager she found herself, she could not get enough.

Sapphire relaxed and leaned back, but Vixxen kept licking her. Vixxen looked up and saw them in the mirror, her face buried in this beautiful blond woman’s pussy. She wondered if sex always looked this good.

Her friends called to check on Vixxen, but she told them she would catch zenci porno up with them the next day, having met someone nice.

Later in the afternoon, Sapphire and Vixxen were picked up by the club limo and taken to her tryout. Three men in suits and a well dressed woman were waiting for them.

Sapphire introduced Vixxen to the people in attendance, and sat off to the side to watch. Vixxen was asked to strip and she did, not shy at all at this point. It was not a nude club but they asked for her to get naked and she did.

They asked to take some pictures just for the evaluation process and she consented. They produced a consent form which clearly laid out that the pictures were private and not for commercial or promotional purposes.

Then as she stood, one of them produced a camera and began taking pictures. They took a lot of them, getting a lot of angles, but at least they did not ask for any sexy poses. They appeared to just take them for reference.

They then produced a scale and a tape measure, and began taking her measurements. She was 36 – 24 – 36, and weighed in at 129 lbs. The woman in attendance took the measurements, and commented that Vixxen was Hefner’s wet dream.

Then in the closed club she was asked to perform. She put her thong back on and danced on stage for a couple of dances. Then she was asked to perform a lapdance for the oldest man. This was different than normal as there were no bouncers and the lights were all the way up.

She gave him her best, and his touch was more clinical than sexual. And the other two men and the woman sat close by, and took notes as they watched. She had never seen note pads in a strip club before.

Lastly they took Vixxen to one of the VIP rooms, like the one where Vixxen had been with Sapphire, and the well dressed woman and Sapphire did not join them.

There wasn’t any sex, but Vixxen put on one hell of a show for them. Two of the men laid on the bed, and one on the sofa, and she danced for all of them. They never took their dicks out, but she could feel that they were hard.

While they touched her body during the dances, their touch was more clinical than sexual, as before. They squeezed and groped her breasts, testing the feel as they looked real but they knew they were probably fake.

All three men felt her breasts, looking at them closely as she danced. They lifted them and let them fall, when she was above them cowgirl style they would move them to the side and watch them sway with her motions.

One of the men produced a small flashlight, and looked closely at her breasts. He looked closely at each nipple, and at the underside of the boob, and then under her arm. He knew what he was looking for, and he found the scars for her boob job.

“That my darling, is a very good boob job, really hard to tell for certain.” He said, smiling as he examined them.

One of them gave her ass a light spank and watched how it reacted. The squeezed and groped her ass, her legs, her shoulders. It was unlike what she had seen before, but they were thorough and never tried to have sex with her.

When they were satisfied they thanked her and took her back out to the main area, and she gave them some basic information and left with Sapphire. It did not take long to find out, they called and offered Vixxen a job.

Sapphire explained that the hours did not matter as much in Vegas, a major tourist hub which operated 24/7, but that she could get Vixxen paired with her in hours, if they were willing to do a few duo shows.

“I would need to find a place to stay, set up power and internet and things, buy appliances. I would need some time.” Vixxen explained.

Sapphire pointed at her bed, “There is plenty of room for you right there Vixxen. You can do all of that if you want, but I would rather you just move in with me baby.”

Vixxen smiled as Sapphire spoke, “Now when you get home, hire a mover to bring your stuff up here. And then get on the first plane you can and fly that sexy ass back up here.”

Vixxen was thrilled, it was nicer than where she worked now, would be a lot more money, and she didn’t have anyone back in Texas to worry about leaving behind anyway.

Vixxen and Sapphire celebrated with and early steak dinner, and then another round of sex before Sapphire had to head off to work.

Vixxen found her friends and spent the evening with them at one of the bigger casinos before returning to the strip club late that night. She couldn’t get the big smile off of her face, leading to a “someone got laid,” comment. If they only knew.

Vixxen was introduced to a few dancers and bouncers, and then met two of the men from her tryout earlier in the day.

The men invited her up to the manager’s office to discuss the job. She hoped this would not be where the compulsory sex came into play, and it didn’t. The older man introduced himself as the owner of the club, and the second man as his club manager.

They spoke for about an hour, discussing the rules of the establishment. No drugs, no prostitution. Heavy contact was allowed, and dancers were allowed to get creative with the contact. They understood that sex probably happened, but at no time were dancers allowed to specify money for sex, or accept offers in the like.

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